Tuesday, April 29, 2014
A letter to the 2017 Fiona I sent via FutureMe.org
Uh..hey there! Is this letter comes in a good timing? Are you surprised? Have you forgotten about this? Hehehe.. I really want to poke you! somehow! *poke*
How have you been? Do you enjoy your job position? I hope you make more money than I do today (Asian. *rolling eyes* I know. hihihi) I wonder if you have been able to travel abroad yet! Did you write about your trips? Don't forget you have that themed journal for travelling I bought last year. I moved it from the drawer to the cabinet above your desk.Anyway, I wish you make your way achieving your dreams step by step.
Err..hope this is not crossing the sensitive line, but do you have some guy you proudly call as your boyfriend now? What is he like? Are you guys super clicking to one another that you can finish each other's sentences? Is he reliable and treat you equal? But also someone you can't help to be feminine/a bit childish when you're around him? and most importantly, are you feeling at home with him? I'm sorry I have only been demanding and asking here and that based on my level now, because of course I don't know what is happening with and around you now..which I'm dying to know. I would kill for that muhuhahah..
Just a little flashback for you that I just passed the tormenting days with Bell's Palsy. The last therapy was yesterday.. and yeah, you might also remember huge things that came along with this disease. All the depression of becoming very dependent. Anyway, if this is three years from now, it means that Mariana has been married for almost 2 years, isn't it? wow. Do they have children already? What about Lizveth and Dwik? Veth must've been back to Jakarta for, like, 2 years too! and Dwik should be graduating July 2014. *squinting* Are you still in touch with Manda and Diane? I hope all of them are now living the life they wanted just as much as I hope you are too. :)
I wonder who else's been married and how many invited you..did you manage to make it to all of the invitations and if there were dramas along the line..things like that. I'm afraid to ask this, but are you now bear the weight of your family? How is everybody going? I do wish Oma is still there and no one else is leaving already.
Whoa, it'd be awesome if you could reply to this, you know. to the 2014 me. Just..well you don't have to answer all of that bluntly..simply give me some prophetic sentence would be super cool, like maybe..I will meet 'the guy' under a peach tree and crescent moon when the breeze blows twice and I'm wearing a white dress or something. trololol.. Yeah I know I know. You like being silly too, okay!
Okay, I think that's it for now.
Love and hugs from the past for whatever you're going through right now. You know you're always that strong, independent, kind at heart, and it's your nature to laugh by making other people laugh. You're as awesome as ever as a life coach, not to mention that you're also a good listener. I hope you're getting what you deserve because..Lady! You are precious! God made you that way. So pull yourself together when life tries to break you down. ;)
Love you!
Fiona 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
The Highlight of My Bali-Explore This Time: ANIMALS!! part 2.

Meet K-Pop bunny! We call it that because of the black fur around its eyes managed to make it looked like it was wearing smokey eye liners.
The Highlight of My Bali-Explore This Time: ANIMALS!!
Welcome to Bali Safari! This is a story of my visit there in December, 2013. Well, it's not Fiona if you don't find any weird, awkward or funny experience in between. So, I'll just start with that first.
Right after the fun Safari Tour, my mom, my brother and I were the last group to take pictures near a fake safari bus. Well, apparently almost the last. There was this Australian guy approached me when I was about to change place with my brother, saying something super fast like, "Bla..bla..Canwetakephotosofyou bla..bla..here?with bla..bla..together?" I stared at him for a moment and he repeated the question in the same nervous speed. Since I thought it would be rude to ask again, I took a guess as hint: Ohh! He kindly offers help to take our picture so that the three of us could be in the same frame! So I cheerfully said, "SURE! Thanks." while giving him my android and my mom's blackberry. He gave our smartphones a stare of confusion but then immediately gave the blackberry to another guy and they took pictures of the three of us. He then gave my Android back and I thanked him again. It seemed to me that he wanted to ask something again, probably help, so I offered,"Wanna take turn? We can take pictures of you too, the three of you!" Sometimes women just like to suggest ideas before men finish their sentences. And to that he stared blankly at me, looked down at his shoes, then to everything else except me and said,"Yeah..sure.."
After parting for an hour or so, a sudden realization hit me. Squinting, I asked mom and my brother, "Did that guy really offer a hand to take our pictures or he actually wanted to have his picture taken together with us? or worse..with me?" I was sooooo slow oh my God that was embarrassing. To add the awkwardness, I kept running into him almost everywhere. the whole day. He had that rejected kind of face and I was standing there trying to make apology sentences in my head, in case there was a right timing to say it.
Well, never happened.
Three of them ran very fast. Every single time. :|